How would you define your reality?
"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it." Whether or not this was said by Albert Einstein, there is growing scientific evidence showing that energy is the pinnacle of our reality.
We are all familiar with Einstein's theory of relativity and his famous formula E=mc² which showed us that energy is matter.
Since everything is energy, and energy is matter, that means that the human body is no exception. Our entire body not only consists of energy, but each part generates energy, thereby producing a powerful energetic or electromagnetic field. This field directly mirrors our state of physical and mental health.1
Spectacular, isn't it? Even more profound is that the heart generates the most energy of all the organs. Taking it another step further, our heart communicates information via the nervous system to various parts of the body when we experience fluctuating heart rhythms produced as a result of our emotional states. These messages from the heart are (you guessed it) energies in the form of emotions from experiences, traumas, etc.
These energies are often stored in the body as trapped emotions that disrupt the proper functioning of the energetic field, which in turn may cause mental and physical health issues.
Our therapeutic modalities are used to identify the type and location of these trapped energies, release them and balance the body in all its aspects. As a result, the body and mind are catapulted into their inherent ability to self-heal.
This holistic method of healing has shown tremendous improvements in the lives of people suffering from various conditions such as depression, anxiety, diabetes, migraines, asthma, infertility, insomnia, and many more.