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Angelica Root Cut 100g


Natural Products | Angelica Root Cut – 100g

Latin name: Angelica Archangelica

Angelica root’s medicinal and healing properties comes from its traditional use amongst the Nordic culture.

It is known as a tonic for purposes including treatment of anxiety, insomnia, menopausal and menstrual problems, skin problems and digestive problems including indigestion and stomach upsets. Its natural bactericidal action makes it very useful as a natural antibiotic and treatment for various infections, respiratory ailments as well as arthritis and poor circulation.

Angelica Root Cut

Angelica root contains various compounds and substances that has been used for its multiple health, wellness and therapeutic benefits as well as in the production of Gin.

Properties include: astringent, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, analgesic, antispasmodic, circulatory, cholagogue, digestive, expectorant, diuretic, nervous system, respiratory, vulnerary.

Features & Benefits:

  • Treatment for skin problems and disorders, including dermatitis, eczema and acne
  • Soothes irritated and inflamed skin
  • Antiaging properties – reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improves skin elasticity
  • Rich source of vitamins, minerals and enzymes (especially vitamin B12, iron, magnesium and potassium)
  • Antioxidant properties – may help detoxification of the liver
  • Treatment for menopausal problems, including hot flashes and possible hormone regulation
  • Provides relief for menstrual problems such as cramps, pain and other PMS symptoms
  • Reduces anxiety and improves relaxation and calmness
  • Treatment for insomnia
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Improves poor blood circulation
  • Treatment for digestive problems such as heartburn, flatulence, indigestion and loss of appetite
  • Natural antibiotic
  • Improves wound healing and treatment for infections (internal and external)
  • Treatment for respiratory ailments, including pleurisy, bronchitis and phlegm
  • Treatment for arthritis
  • Promotes urinary tract health (treatment for cystitis – UTI)
  • Treatment for athlete’s foot (fungal infection)
  • Helps regulate and protect the immune system
  • Natural diuretic
  • Promotes discharge of bile

© Pharma Germania

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Natural Products’ products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or medical condition. Always consult with a physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new treatment, product use or diet.

Weight 0,100 kg
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 11 cm


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