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Cedarwood Essential Oil 10ml


SOiL | Cedarwood Essential Oil – 10ml

Scientific name: Cedrus Atlantica

Cedarwood essential oil has a soothing and calming aroma.

It can be used to encourage lymphatic drainage and it is very useful in skin and hair care.

Cedarwood Essential Oil (🔬Cedrus Atlantica)

Cedarwood oil is steam- distilled from the wood-chippings of Cedarwood trees that grow in the Atlas mountains in Morocco and Northern Western Algeria. Cedarwoods’s sweet, woody aroma has a warming and reputed aphrodisiac effect.

It is helpful to encourage lymphatic drainage and very useful in skin and hair care.

Safety information: Some references refer to it being contraindicated during pregnancy.

Features & Benefits:

  • Soothing, sweet and woody aroma
  • Warming and aphrodisiac effect
  • Improves lymphatic drainage
  • Promotes healthy hair
  • Promotes healthy and youthful skin

© SOiL Organic Aromatherapy

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. SOiL products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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